Which Cardio Machine is Best?

Here’s the thing… There isn’t a specific cardio machine that surpasses all others. Identifying the best cardio machine for you is dependant on your fitness goals and the condition of your body. 

Are you trying to lose weight? Build muscle? Improve endurance? Are you recovering from an injury or prefer low-impact exercises? Once you’ve narrowed down your fitness goals and consider your current physical state, certain cardio machines will be more effective than others. Let’s take a look at a few common machines.


Cardio Machine - Treadmill

A treadmill is often the first thing that comes to mind when we think of cardio. Treadmills are easy to use and allow you to control all aspects of your workout, including speed, incline, warm-up period, cool down period and the amount of energy you expend. 

If your goal is to lose weight, the treadmill is a smart option. Walking or running on the treadmill is a weight-bearing exercise that burns more calories than non-weight bearing exercises, such as riding a stationary bike. 

Exercising on a treadmill also strengthens and tones your butt, quad and calf muscles. It offers an excellent cardiovascular workout to improve heart health and is great for increasing endurance.

Elliptical Machine

Like treadmills, elliptical machines are easy to use. They offer a full-body workout, as you use your arms, core and legs to drive movement, and are a good option if you struggle with balance.

An elliptical machine will help you burn body fat, particularly if you incorporate interval training, which consists of alternating periods of high- and low-intensity activity. 

If you suffer from joint pain, the elliptical machine provides a low-impact cardio workout. Unlike running on the treadmill, your feet never leave the pedals, reducing the amount of impact on your ankles, knees, hips and other joints. 

Additionally, exercising on an elliptical following an injury can help you improve range of motion. It can also assist with strengthening your muscles and joints without putting too much stress on your body.

Rowing Machine

The rowing machine is often overlooked, but can give you a highly effective workout. Rowing engages your legs, core and arms to pull the rower handle towards you, which builds strength. 

The rowing machine is relatively low-impact, making it a great option if you’re sore from yesterday’s workout. It can also help with weight loss, increase endurance and improve cardiovascular health. 

Many people shy away from the rowing machine because they don’t know how to use it properly. Technique is important, so check out this video to learn how to use the rowing machine properly for maximum results.

Stationary Bike

Let’s not forget about the stationary bike! If you have back or lower-body issues, the stationary bike is for you. It offers a low-impact workout that uses smooth movements to improve bone, joint and muscle strength with minimal pressure. 

The stationary bike can also be highly effective for building lower-body muscles, improving cardiovascular health and increasing endurance. Incorporating interval training – short bursts of intense exercise followed by longer bursts of less intense exercise – will assist with weight loss.

Selecting Your Cardio Machine

Here are some important things to remember when selecting your cardio machine:

  • All cardio machines will improve cardiovascular health and assist with weight loss to some degree 
  • Choose a cardio machine that suits your fitness goals and current physical condition 
  • Switch things up every 7 to 12 weeks to challenge your body 
  • If you hate a certain cardio machine with all your being, choose a different one (you might as well choose a machine you enjoy using) 
  • Consistency is key if you want to see results 

Enjoy your next cardio workout! Bring on the sweat…