Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

We all know exercise is important for keeping us physically healthy. But did you know it can also help keep us mentally healthy? Research shows that people who regularly exercise have better mental health and emotional well-being. 

Here are a few mental health benefits of exercise:

  1. Looking for a boost? Exercise can boost your mood, concentration and alertness, enabling a more positive outlook on life and greater focus. 
  1. People who exercise regularly often notice how good it feels to set and achieve a goal, which can lead to an increased sense of control, coping ability and self-esteem. 
  1. Sometimes we need an outlet for our frustrations. Exercise is a great option! Whether you need to hit the treadmill for a hard run or pump some iron, physical activity helps release tension and stress caused by everyday frustrations. 
  1. Exercise also offers an opportunity to socialize! From meeting your workout buddy to shootin’ the breeze with your fellow gym goers, exercise can be a great outing. 

There are MANY other mental health benefits of exercise. The next time you don’t feel like hitting the gym, remind yourself of how good you’ll feel afterwards. Grab your water bottle and towel, and get going!

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