Improve Your Health & Well-being with Yoga

Yoga is a practice that involves a combination of physical poses, concentration and deep breathing. Regardless of your age, fitness level or yoga experience, practicing yoga can help you feel better from head to toe. 

Here are 5 ways yoga can improve your health and well-being.

1. Strength, balance and flexibility

Slow, purposeful movements and deep, concentrated breathing can increase blood flow and warm up your muscles, leaving you feeling more balanced and flexible. At the same time, holding poses can build muscle strength. It’s a win-win!

Try it – tree pose

2. Back pain relief

Searching for relief from back pain? You’re not alone. Stretching completed through yoga practice can not only ease back pain, but also improve overall mobility. Stretching and muscle strengthening can help support your back and spine, reducing back pain.  

Try it – cat-cow pose

3. Improved heart health

Did you know some of the factors contributing to heart disease include high blood pressure and excess weight? Practicing yoga regularly may lower your stress levels, assist with weight management and reduce inflammation throughout your body, contributing to improved heart health. 

Try it – downward-facing dog pose.

4. Better sleep 

Having a consistent bedtime routine can help your body fall asleep and stay asleep. It may come as no surprise that completing gentle yoga before bed can assist your body with relaxing and get you in the right mindset to have a good night’s sleep. 

Try it – legs up the wall pose

5. Energy and mood boosts

Exercising generally results in higher energy levels and improved mood. Yoga is no different. Whether you complete a few simple poses or complete a full routine, yoga can provide you with a boost in alertness and enthusiasm. 

Try it – yoga to feel your best

You may feel like yoga isn’t for you or you don’t have time, but don’t knock it ‘til you try it. There are so many great benefits to practicing yoga, so try to incorporate it in your daily routine and enjoy the results.