Drinking Water Before, During & After Your Workout

Around 60% of your body is made up of water, which means staying hydrated is essential to your overall health. In addition to drinking plenty of water on a day-to-day basis, you should pay extra attention to hydration before, during and after workouts. After all, dehydration can lead to cramping, soreness, fatigue and other health problems, so let’s minimize these effects.

Before a Workout

Remember how much you sweated during your last workout? It’s important to rehydrate before you start a new workout to ensure your body has the fluid it needs to function properly. 

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recommends drinking 2-3 cups of water approximately 2 hours before working out to help your body rehydrate.

During a Workout

Hydration is most important while you’re exercising because you’re losing fluids and electrolytes through sweat. Drinking approximately 1 cup of water every 10-20 minutes during exercise will help you replenish your body’s supply, according to ACE.

Always carry a water bottle with you when you’re exercising, as it will allow you to take quick, easy sips of water throughout your workout. 

After a Workout

It’s also important to stay hydrated following your workouts. ACE recommends drinking 2 cups of fluid for every 1 pound of body weight lost after your workout. For example, if you lost 2 pounds, you should drink at least 4 cups of water post-workout. 

If you have any questions regarding hydration or fluid intake based on your personal health circumstances, please consult with a healthcare professional. 

For other day-to-day hydration tips, check out this article!