Circuit Training: Home Workout for Beginners

Circuit training is a form of body conditioning where you rapidly alternate between exercises that target different muscle groups. 

Some benefits of circuit training include improved cardiovascular fitness and increased muscular strength and endurance. Circuit training is also a great calorie burning exercise, it can be completed faster than other workouts and it offers variety! 

Ready to give it a shot? Here’s a circuit training workout for beginners you can do at home.

Warm Up

Warm up your body by jogging on the spot or walking up and down your stairs for 5 minutes. This will help loosen your muscles and minimize injury.


Complete the following circuit twice with a 3 – 5 minute break in between. 

  • 20x squats 
  • 15x sit ups or crunches
  • 10x pushups on knees
  • 10x supermans 
  • 20x jumping jacks

Cool Down

Cool your body down by doing some light stretching, paying extra attention to any tight or sore areas.


Here’s your challenge – complete this circuit training regime every second day for two weeks. The first week will be the hardest, so don’t give up! 

Let us know what you think of this workout in the comments below.