6 Habits Linked to a Longer Life

While genetics play a part in lifespan, diet and lifestyle are key to longevity. Here are 6 habits linked to a longer life:

6 Habits Linked to a Longer Life

1. Eat Healthy Plant Foods

Incorporating a variety of plant foods into your diet may decrease the risk of disease and promote longevity. Reduce the amount of processed food you eat and replace it with fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans.

2. Stay Active

No surprise here… Staying physically active can keep you healthy and add years to your life. As little as 15 minutes of exercise per day can help you stay fit, reducing the likelihood of illness and deterioration.

3. Don’t Smoke

Disease and early death are strongly linked to smoking. Did you know, people who smoke could lose up to 10 years of life and be three times more likely to die prematurely? 

If you’ve never picked up a cigarette, give yourself a pat on the back. If you have, remember, it’s never too late to quit.

4. Drink in Moderation

Liver, heart and pancreatic disease have all been linked to heavy alcohol consumption, as well as a higher risk of early death. However, moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with a lower likelihood of several diseases.

For example, wine is considered beneficial in moderation due to its antioxidants. So, be mindful of your alcohol intake to help you live longer.

5. Avoid Chronic Stress & Anxiety

It can be hard to avoid stress and anxiety, but limiting your levels can lead to a longer life. Chronic anxiety and stress increase the possibility of dying from heart disease, stroke and other ailments. 

Need some relief? As it’s often said, laughter is the best medicine. Being more optimistic can also reduce anxiety and stress levels. 

6. Develop a Good Sleeping Pattern

Sleep is critical for regulating cell function and helping your body heal. Longevity is linked to regular sleeping patterns, such as going to bed and waking up at a similar time each day. 

Duration of sleep can also be a factor, as too little or too much sleep can have negative effects. The amount of sleep you require will depend on your age, activity level, environment, etc., so listen to your body to find out how many hours you need each night. 

Do you have any other habits to add? Share them in the comments below!