6 Essentials to Have in Your Gym Bag

There’s no such thing as a bad workout. If you show up and make an effort, you’re winning! And let’s be honest, sometimes showing up is the hardest part. 

To help you have a good workout – any day, any time – here are 6 essentials to have in your gym bag.

1. Gym clothes

Whether you’re the queen of yoga pants or love baggy shirts, having a dedicated set of gym clothes will help you get into the right mindset and have an effective workout. 

2. Shoes

You’d hate to arrive at the gym, then realize you forgot your shoes. Keep your gym or running shoes in your gym bag, so they’re always ready! 

3. Water bottle

Staying hydrated is extremely important, not just during your workout but throughout the day. Keep a reusable water bottle in your gym bag for easy access and use at the gym. 

4. Towel

It’s best practice to use a towel while exercising to help protect equipment and wipe down surfaces after use. With a towel on-hand, you can also make hard surfaces more comfortable, which can improve your workout. 

5. Headphones/music

Who doesn’t love a good playlist during a workout? Studies show that music can help you push through fatigue and have a more productive workout. So, make sure you have headphones or music readily available! 

6. Post-workout snack

A post-workout snack is one of those things you may not consider having in your gym bag, but post-workout nutrition affects how your body responds to a workout. Check out a few examples.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your gym bag and head over to VTAS Fitness Centre today!