5 Post-Workout Snacks to Refuel

Post-workout nutrition affects how your body responds to exercise. Waiting until your next meal to eat after physical activity may leave you feeling lethargic and foggy, but snacking can make a noticeable difference. 

Eating a combination of carbohydrate- and protein-based snacks after a workout will help replenish your energy, as well as provide longer-lasting energy your body needs to repair muscle.

Here are 5 post-workout snacks to help you refuel:

1. Hard-Boiled Eggs With Whole Grain Toast

Did you know eggs are loaded with protein? Hard-boiled eggs are an easy way to increase your protein intake, while whole grains offer your body carbohydrates and are packed with essential nutrients, such as fibre and other vitamins and minerals that assist with recovery.

2. Fruit Smoothie

A combination of Greek yogurt and frozen berries offer great post-workout benefits, as calcium found in yogurt is important to muscle growth and berries naturally sweeten the yogurt and add some carbohydrates to the mix. You can also include a banana for a boost of potassium, which often gets lost when we sweat and needs to be replaced following a workout.

3. Crackers & Canned Tuna

Not only is this a simple snack, crackers and canned tuna contain carbohydrates, protein and sodium, which often need to be replenished after exercising. Aim to eat whole grain crackers if you’re looking for even more nutritional value. 

4. Hummus With Crackers & Raw Veggies

Yummmm, hummus! Get a kick of carbohydrates and sodium with hummus, crackers and raw veggies – from carrots to cucumbers, snap peas, cauliflower and more.

5. Fruit & Nut Butter

Slice apples or bananas and spread peanut or almond butter on them. This combination offers healthy fats and nutrient-filled carbohydrates.

Have a few ingredients handy to make one of these snacks following your next workout and keep an eye on how your body feels afterwards – it will thank you!