4-Week Bodyweight Training Plan

Whether you’re hitting the gym or working out at home, this 4-week bodyweight training plan will improve your strength, balance and cardio. 

The great thing about bodyweight training is you don’t need any equipment! Just a space on the gym floor, in your living room or outdoors to complete your sweat sessions. 

Start each session with a light warm-up, such as jogging on the spot or skipping for 5-10 minutes. Don’t forget to stretch your muscles at the end of each workout or you’ll experience tightness and possibly pain.  

Week 1

Session 1: 

5x rounds

  • 5x push-up
  • 10x sit-up 
  • 15x bodyweight squat 
  • Rest 30 seconds 

3x rounds

  • 10x superman back extension
  • 10x two-count flutter kick

Session 2:

4x rounds

  • 12x alternate lunge (6x per leg)
  • 6x plank walk-up
  • 6x lateral lunge
  • 6x plank walk-up

2 rounds

  • 25x leg raise
  • 15x sit-up

Session 3:

4x rounds

  • Burpees – 30 seconds 
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Bodyweight squat – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Burpees – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Iso squat hold – 30 seconds

4x rounds

  • 12x bird dog (6x per side)
  • 6x superman back extension

Session 4:

30-minute jog either on a treadmill or outdoors. Use the walk, jog technique if needed — jog until you need a break, then walk as needed and resume jogging. 

Week 2

Session 1:

Complete the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes:

  • 5x push-up (normal) 
  • 10x alternate lunge (5x per leg)
  • 10x two-count flutter kick
  • 5x windmill push-up
  • 10x jump squat
  • 10x tip-over (5x per leg)

Session 2:

4x rounds

  • Mountain climber – 60 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Bodyweight squat – 60 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Side plank hold (right) – 60 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Side plank hold (left) – 60 seconds

Session 3:

4x rounds

  • 24x bodyweight squat
  • 24x alternate lunge (12x per leg)
  • 12x jump squat
  • 12x jump lunge (6x per leg)

4x rounds

  • Burpees – 30 seconds
  • In and out (ab exercise) – 30 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds

Session 4:

30-minute jog either on a treadmill or outdoors. Use the walk, jog technique if needed — jog until you need a break, then walk as needed and resume jogging. 

Week 3

Repeat all sessions outlined in week 1.

Week 4

Repeat all sessions outlined in week 2. 

This is a challenging bodyweight training plan, especially if you’re currently building up your fitness. Be sure to warm up before and stretch after each session. Also, sessions do not have to be done back-to-back. You can space them out over 1-2 days to give your body time to rest and recover.

Push your limits and see results with this training plan!