3 Tips to Make Time for Exercise

One of the most common reasons people skip the gym is because, “I don’t have time.” Sound familiar? When work is hectic, your kids need to be taken to baseball practice and yard work is piling up, exercise is probably the first thing to get scrapped from your to-do list. 

But it’s during these times – when you feel like you have no time – that exercise becomes more important than ever. Exercise is critical for improving your mood, mindset and overall well-being. So, how can you make time for exercise? Here are our three tips:

1. Schedule your workouts

Schedule your workouts like you schedule meetings and appointments. When you carve out time in your calendar, you’re able to plan everything else around your workouts and are more likely to stick to them. Just like important meetings and appointments, treat your workouts like something you can’t easily walk away from. 

2. Start waking up a little earlier 

If your schedule allows, start waking up a little earlier and working out in the morning. Working out first thing in the morning, before the kids are awake and your to-do list becomes front and center, can feel refreshing and rejuvenating. It’s something you can accomplish before you’ve even eaten breakfast and you don’t need to think about it for the rest of the day.

3. Take advantage of every situation

Hanging around the ball diamond or hockey rink while your kids practice? Instead of sitting in the stands, jog around the field or up and down the bleachers a few times. Dialing into a conference call? If it’s being held over the phone, complete a short workout while you’re listening in. Catching up with a friend? Arrange to go for a walk instead of meeting at a restaurant. There are many opportunities throughout the day to incorporate exercise. You just have to get creative! 

The benefits of exercise are endless. The more you commit to making time for exercise, the more you’ll thank yourself, so put these tips into practice! 

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