20-Minute Workout for Busy People

Sometimes life is so busy it’s hard to find time to exercise. Today, we’ll share a 20-minute workout for busy people so you can hit the gym for a short, effective session, while still tackling your schedule. 

Warm Up

It’s important to warm up your body to minimize the chance of injury. Start by spending 5 minutes on the treadmill, elliptical machine, stationary bike or rowing machine to warm up your muscles. 

Full Body Circuit

Following your warm up, it’s time for a full body circuit to get your blood pumping and muscles burning. Set your timer and complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

Want to make this circuit even more challenging? Hold a kettlebell during your side lunges! 

Cool Down

Cool down your body by doing some light stretching for 3 minutes. Focus on areas that feel tight or have been problematic for you in the past to help reduce soreness after your workout.

As you can see, you only have 12 minutes of intense work during this 20-minute workout, so give it everything you have. If you complete this workout multiple times over several weeks, keep track of how many rounds you achieve so you can see your improvement.