10-Minute Total Body Kettlebell Blast

Burn fat, carve your abs and layer muscle onto your arms, chest and legs with a 10-minute total body kettlebell blast. Trainer Mathew Forzaglia will help you build strength and etch detail into your six-pack with this challenging circuit workout.

Ready to work? View the video here.

Keep this video on hand or jot down the following circuit to complete during your next sweat session:

Warm Up 

2 rounds, 20 seconds per move

  • Jumping jacks
  • Inchworm to pushup
  • Bodyweight squat 

Circuit Workout

2 rounds, 30 seconds per move

  • Goblet squat
  • Pushup to kettlebell tap
  • Alternating gorilla row


10 reps of each move — complete as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes

  • Kettlebell swing
  • Plank KB tap
  • Goblet lateral lunge

Let us know what you think of this workout in the comments below. New to the world of fitness? Find beginner workouts on our fitness blog.